Stream: fantastico lettore per video e musica di Youtube

Stream è una nuova e fantastica app che ha visto la sua uscita ufficiale a Febbraio di quest'anno e che potrete scaricare gratuitamente da Google Play Store sul vostro dispositivo Android avendo così accesso a tutta la musica messa a disposizione da Youtube.

Uno dei principali problemi in cui incorrono spesso i possessori di smartphone di fascia medio-bassa è infatti quello di avere uno spazio di memoria sul proprio dispositivo abbastanza limitato che rischia di ridursi ancor di più se volete scaricare i vostri video preferiti da Youtube. Grazie a Stream potrete avere libero accesso ai video e alla musica che preferite senza doverla scaricare sul vostro dispositivo mobile con relativo aggravio sul suo spazio di memoria. Stream infatti vi permette di creare una vostra personale playlist con la possibilità di andare a pescare nuovi talenti in campo musicale sfruttando i suggerimenti che la stessa App è in grado di offrirvi.

Grazie a Stream potrete infatti accedere ai vostri video preferiti utilizzando una miniatura fluttuante magari mentre state utilizzando altre applicazioni. Unica controindicazione, ma non è un limite dell'app m di Youtube, la riproduzione si blocca quando lo schermo si blocca. Trattandosi di un'app di terze parti, i contenuti arrivano direttamente da YouTube.

Descrizione originale Stream App da Google Play Store
You've been waiting for it's here: THE free YouTube smart music player!
Stream gives you access to all of YouTube music videos and lets you play them in a handy floating popup for a multitasking music listening experience.
Search your favorite artists, create your own playlists, discover new music genres and browse the daily Top Charts of your country!
No need to download your songs anymore, you finally have a free YouTube player that lets you check your newsfeed or answer your messages while watching your favorite videos!
NB: we had to remove the possibility to listen to your music in lockscreen in order to respect YouTube's Terms of Use.
  • YouTube music player: watch your videos in full screen or use the floating popup for multitasking
  • Customize the size of the floating popup to your needs
  • Move the floating popup player wherever you want on the screen

  • Search among millions of YouTube music videos for free
  • Browse the daily Top Charts songs
  • Access 100 music genres: Electronic, Soul, Hip-Hop, Reggae, Rhythm & blues, Disco, Jazz and more
  • Discover our radios based on YouTube music videos. Whether you want to sleep, party, concentrate or do some workout, there is a radio for you
  • Start a radio from any video for hours of free music, no need to download your tracks anymore
  • Access in a click a tab dedicated to your music wtih videos you've recently watched and liked

  • Set up to 3 widgets to access directly from your home screen:
  1. the Top Charts songs list
  2. the recently watched videos
  3. your favorites videos
  • Create your own playlists
  • Easily re-order your playlists with a simple drag and drop
  • Share your playlists and the music you love with your friends
  • Directly import the playlists of your YouTube account on Stream
  • Add songs and manage your current queue easily

  • Customize your Stream experience with Themes: dark or light (free), gold, blue neon, or emojis world (in-app purchases)
  • Schedule your music stop with the Sleep Timer feature: 5 min before bedtime? 10 min music break? Just choose, Stream will automatically stop when needed :)
  • Battery Saver: automatically reduces the brightness to save your battery
  • Stream is a third party app. All the content is provided by YouTube services. Therefore Stream does not have direct control over the content displayed.
  • Please use the following link to report any content that may infringe copyrights:
  • Stream is not a music downloader.
  • An internet connection is required (wifi or cellular data)
  • According to YouTube's Terms of Use, we are not allowed to display videos when in lockscreen, nor to enable you to download your songs.
You will be asked to authorize two accesses within the app:
  • one to allow Stream to modify the brightness of your device (for the Battery Saver)
  • one to enable the floating popup player

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